Friday, August 27, 2010

Hot Summer

As the summer began I spent a lot of time traveling and advertising MotorSilk.

I spent a nice time in Key West and met with David Zevetchin with Evergreen America to discuss a few MotorSilk sales strategies. After Key West, I took a break and flew back to Portland to see my new granddaughter, Ruby Jane. She is so cute and it was good to see the family.

I spent a month in the Tampa area going to various car shows and events. Unfortunately, I missed the car show at the Caliente Clothing Optional Resort. My friend Tom took his car to the show and found that a lot of the crowd was showing everything. It was a tiring event since he needed to stand most of the time due to the conversations with men, while sitting in a chair, was awkward at best. I have that show marked on my calendar for next year.

I wrapped up things in Florida and headed to South Carolina to visit a childhood friend. He lived in Beaufort and he was the ultimate tour guide. Beaufort is basically on the Atlantic coast and he showed me a great RV park right on the Ocean. It was beautiful. I plan to spend a few weeks there in the fall. I spent several days there meeting a few of his connections that were interested in MotorSilk. I treated a few vehicles and have received positive feedback and additional orders. I became a big fan of Beaufort.

From South Carolina I headed to Ohio only to have a brake issue on the RV. When something is this big and this heavy, brakes are a key component. Luckily I had a friend in Ohio that was an excellent mechanic and we rebuilt the master cylinder and I could brake once again.

With summer half way through, I decided to head north for a couple of very interesting customer visits and other fun. More about those adventures in the next posting.

Hanging out in Florida
The friendly neighborhood Gator
Parked in Beaufort, SC
Lot's of Beaches and beautiful views
I hate it when this happens
Nice view for an RV park